How to Replace Your Existing Car Strut

to replace your car's existing gas struts, you will need to know the make, model, year and position of your vehicle's gas struts.

1. Make

The Make is the brand of the car, for instance Ford, Holden, Mitsubishi.

2. Model

The Model of your vehicle is the name the manufacturer gives to a range of similar cars.  eg. Pajero is the Model of car made by Mitsubishi.

3. Year

The year is when your car was built and can be found on the vehicle or on your registration papers.

4. Position

The position is where your struts are located. This can be your boot, bonnet, tailgate or hatch.


If you can't find your Car's Specific Gas Struts online... Simply follow the steps below.

Still unsure? Contact us and we'll ensure you get the right gas strut.

5. Can't find my specific car struts online....this is what you need to know

1. The Extended Length

Measured from the middle of the hole on the end fitting to the middle of the hole on the end fitting when the gas strut is fully extended.

2. The Diameter - Rod

Measured across the rod and across the canister.

2. The Diameter - Canister

Measured across the rod and across the canister.

4. Force

Look for a number with an N after it. It could be in the OEM (lots of other numbers in a line) The Force or N's normally look like 150N

5. OEM Number

Normally a lot of numbers all together. It can also have the force in these numbers as well.

It is what the manufacturer of the vehicle uses to match the correct gas strut with your vehicle's model/series.

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Ready to order?

Head over the the Gas Strut Australia online shop now to find what you need. If you have any questions you can always contact us with any questions regarding your purchase.